Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance Coordinator
Email: qa@teku.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 764 601 598
About Quality Assurance office
Quality Assurance Unit acts as a central repository of the processes that underpin the University’s approach to management of standards and quality education. It details a range of procedures and codes of good practice that help to regulate the University‘s approach to quality education assurance.
General Roles of the Quality Assurance Unit
Since its establishment, TEKU has always cared about quality of activities; hence.
1. This Unit acts an overseer of all non-academic activities to ensure their quality as per University Charter and other pertinent documents
2. The Unit has in place rules and regulations governing input, processes and output of academic programmes as per the University Charter, other pertinent documents and the directives of the Ministry of Education through the Tanzania Commission for Universities.
3. The Unit has well established structures of decision making in all matters pertaining to academic and non-academic matters
Specific Function of the Quality Assurance Unit
1. Monitoring University’s Teaching and Learning Improvement: works to ensure capacity building of academic staff, including conduct of examinations to ensure compliance to set rules and standards.
2. Classroom Services: to take responsibility of all teaching venues initially beginning with rooms dedicated for delivery of lectures and students course evaluations.
3. Curriculum Development: to play a coordinating role on all matters of curriculum design and development, and improvement across the University. dedicated for delivery of lectures and students course evaluations.
4. Coordinating internal and external academic audits
5. Overseeing University environmental issues
6. Overseeing quality of staff (both academic and non-academic) and staffing procedures
7. Overseeing the general recruitment and life of students at the University
Quality Assurance Unit Structure and Function
The Unit is placed under the VC’s Office as an oversight body.
Its pivotal role is to determine whether Quality standards in all core operational areas of the university are constantly met and updated and that they measure up to national, regional and international benchmarks.
The day to day activities of the Unit focus on monitoring and evaluating all Quality operations at TEKU..
Linkage of Quality Assurance Unit with other Units
1. The Unit has linkages with the Senate, Academic / faculty boards - owners of Quality Assurance
2. All Units implement Quality Assurance activities as per set standards initiated by units and approved by senate
Key elements for an effective internal Quality Assurance system
1. Quality Assurance policy should specify Quality Assurance Unit structure and functions.
2. Quality Assurance policy should specify Operational procedures and guidelines.
3. Quality Assurance Unit should:-have a learning structure,strategically state how to address academic and other issues,be supported by the University management,Act effectively as an oversight body of university core functions and Monitor and evaluate QA processes / activities for improvement, advice management and remind teaching and non-teaching units..
Generally Quality Assurance is an important undertaking for survival of an institution. It requires a lot of commitment and seriousness among staff and relentless support from the top management.