Welcome to The Faculty of Science and Technology

Dean Faculty of Science and Technology
Email: fost@teku.ac.tz
Mobile: +255784478335 /+255752435175
Dean's Message
Welcome to the Faculty of Science and Technology at Teofilo Kisanji University (TEKU) in Mbeya.! This is one of the oldest Faculties at TEKU. Currently, the Faculty offers a wide range of studies in Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Physics and Geography. However, it is widening its scope towards offering more specialized programmes leading to Environmental Sciences. Physics and Mathematics. The Faculty has experienced Lecturers and Researchers in their respective fields. Students joining this Faculty are trained rigorously in skills of scientific research and teaching. Moreover, they are bound by ethical principles of being academicians in their fields of specializations. I have the confidence to welcome students to pursue their science studies at this Faculty and lecturers to join the Faculty of Science and Technology family. You will not regret your decision. Welcome one, welcome all!
Dr. John P.A. Msindai (PhD. DIC, MSc)
Dean Faculty of Science and Technology
Teofilo Kisanji University
Faculty Objectives
The Faculty of Science and Technology (FoST) has the following objectives:-
To equip students with appropriate knowledge and skills in their science subject areas of specialization.
To instil in students the spirit of independent scientific study, innovation and search for knowledge and skills.
To instil in students high standards of scientific professional conduct and a sense of responsibility and accountability in whatever they think and do.
To enable students to develop critical thinking and analytical skills, judgment and participate in development activities.
To enable students to use computer and internet in writing their research papers and theses, and use computer, internet and their various tools for life-long learning.
The Faculty of Science and Technology has only one Department of Science and Technology.
Department of Science and Technology

Dr.Amos Mwijage(PhD.)
Head of Department
Email: amos.mwijage@teku.ac.tz
Mobile: +255713354090
Programmes offered at the Department of Science and Technology
Undergraduate programmes
Bachelor of Science with Education (B.Sc.Ed.) - Three Years
Bachelor of Science with Education degree is designed to meet the demand of science teachers for secondary schools in Tanzania, where the demand is critical in the area of science subjects. The Bachelor of Science with Education degree is awarded to students who study in the field of science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Geography). This programme prepares qualified science teachers for O- level and A-level schools teacher training colleges and vocational institutions and some can progress to postgraduate programmes leading to MA, MSc and PhD in various areas in Arts, Science or Education programmes. Graduants of this programme will contribute to fill the existing demand of science teachers in secondary schools, Teachers' college and vocational institutions. The programme plays an important role in the advancement of Science and Technology in Tanzania.
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies (B.Sc. E.S.) - Three Years
There is a growing need to respond to environmental challenges and changes in today’s world, hence, there is a need to have a degree programme in this field. Environmental Studies explores environmental principles and the interaction of humans and the environment. It prepares students for the complex environmental issues facing the world. The Environmental science programme is interdisciplinary. It draws on information obtained from many areas of study, including business, and economics. Students examine how the natural world functions and the impact of human activities on our local and global resources and environment.
The study of our environment is vital to ensure that human needs are met, in a sustainable way, so that everyone will have access to clean water, clean air, and the earth resources required for agriculture and industrial activity. The environmental studies required for agriculture and industrial activity. The environmental science degree draws upon some of the science skills needed to appreciate the issues while not focusing totally on the application of physical and biological science, but also systematically studies human interaction with the environment and aspects relating to economics, sociology and planning, which are and will remain especially important topics now and in the future. Our graduates have an appreciation of environmental problems/solutions relating to the sciences and humanities and have strong communication skills.
Academic Staff at the Department of Science and Technology
Staff and their Qualifications
Name |
Title |
Qualifications |
J.P. Msindai |
Senior Lecturer and Dean FoST |
MSc Lumumba, PhD DIC University of London |
F. Chale |
Professor |
BSc.Chemistry & Statistics (UDSM), MSc. (Environmental Health Sciences), PhD (Environmental Health Sciences). University of Michigan |
A.N. Mwijage |
Lecturer and Head of Department (Sc. &Tech.) |
PhD(Production Ecology & Resources Conservation (OUT). |
Musa Mpelwa |
Lecturer |
PhD (Oil field Chemistry) Yangtze University, MSc(Oil & gas Chemistry) Aberdeen UK, Bachelor of Education Science (UDSM). |
A. Kingshashu |
Assistant Lecturer |
M.Sc (Chemistry) Russian Friendship University-Moscow), BSc. Ed (Chemistry) Russian Friendship University-Moscow . |
Mr Anganile Geofrey |
Assistant Lecturer |
MSc. (Computer Science) UDOM, BSc Ed (Mathematics & Computer Science) UDSM-MUCE . |
Ms. Camilla Benson |
Assistant Lecturer |
BSc Ed Mwenge Catholic University, MSc Biochemistry UDSM |
P. Wolfgang |
Assistant Lecturer |
MSc (Natural Resurces) - UDSM, BAEd (Geography) - UDSM |
E. Mazigo |
Assistant Lecturer |
Masters with education Biology (UDSM), Bachelor of Education Science (UDSM) . |
W. Ndibize |
Assistant Lecturer |
BSc Biology (UDOM), Master of Engineering in. Environmental Engineering (Chongqing University, China) . |
D.D.Ntisy |
Assistant Lecturer |
MSc Chemistry (Moscow), BSc Chemistry (Moscow) . |
S.S. Seleman |
Assistant Lecturer |
MSc Applied zoology (UDSM), BSc Education (UDSM) . |
Germana Baraka |
Assistant Lecturer |
MSc with education biology (UDSM), BSc with education (Mwenge Catholic University) . |
H. D. Philipo |
Assistant Lecturer |
MSc in Mathematics (Africa Institute Senegal, BSc in Education (UDSM) . |
Laboratory Technicians
Name |
Title |
Qualifications |
N. Lugudagiza | Laboratory technician |
Diploma in Instrumentation and Laboratory Technology (UDSM). |
A. Sebene | Laboratory technician |
Martina Kihama | Laboratory technician |
Certificate of Laboratory Assistant (VETA Chang’ombe) |
Ms. Esther Nixon | Laboratory technician |
Certificate of Laboratory Assistant (VETA Chang’ombe) |