Welcome to The Continuing Education Programmes

Email: cep@teku.ac.tz
Mobile: +255757827125
Message from Head of CEP
Dear Prospective Students and Parents!
It is with great honour to welcome you all to the Unit of Continuing Education Programmes (CEP) of the Teofilo Kisanji University. The Unit offers a wide range of programmes including: non–degree programmes, refresher and short courses, orientation programmes, seminars, and conferences for in–service personnel.
The non–degree programmes offered at both Certificate and diploma levels include Community Development and Social Work, Human Resource Management and Business Administration. Other programmes are Accountancy and Finance, Law, Procurement and Supply Management, Information and Communication Technology, Journalism and Mass Communication and Nursing and Midwifery.
Moreover, we have a very conducive learning and teaching environment which is backed up by committed and experienced teaching staff for quality services.
Above all, the costs for our programmes are affordable and friendly to all Tanzanians. Therefore, you are most welcome to join Continuing Education Programmes (CEP) of the Teofilo Kisanji University to fulfill your dreams and dreams of your beloved children.
Welcome One, Welcome All!!!!
Rev. Mary L. Kategile
Coordinator for Continuing Education programmes (CEP)
Teofilo Kisanji University
Continuing Education Programmes – CEP
The Unit of Continuing Education Programmes (CEP) was established under Article 24, Part III, in the TEKU Charter of 2010. It is an educational hub through which the University provides educational programmes and services that take various forms which can either be formal, informal and non-formal depending upon the intended purpose. This involves Non Degree Programmes, Refresher and Short Courses, Orientation Programmes, Seminars, and Conferences for in-service personnel.
Objectives of the CEP
To equip students with appropriate knowledge and skills in their various courses of specialization
To instil in students the spirit of innovation, search for knowledge and skills.
To instil in students a sense of responsibility and accountability in whatever they think and do.
To enable students develop critical thinking and analytical skills and participate in development activities.
To enable students use computer and internet in writing their research papers and use computer, internet and their various tools for life-long learning
Leadership of the Continuing Education Programmes

Mr. Sule, T. Michael
Deputy Coordinator-CEP
Email: dcep@teku.ac.tz
Mobile: +255626209522
Mr. Mdolloh Wilfred Tamli
Examination Officer-CEP
Email: examcep@teku.ac.tz
Mobile: +255625701630
Sections Comprising the CEP
The Unit has four Sections, which are:
Community Development and Social Work.
Humanities and Social Sciences, Allied Sciences.
Science and Information Technology.
S/No |
Name of Staff |
Head of |
1 | Ms. Maria Kingiliwe |
Community Development and Social Work |
2 | Mr. Sadam Mtima |
Humanities and Social sciences |
3 | Ms. Aurelia Jeremia |
Science and Information Technology |
4 | Mr. Riberatus Philipo |
Allied Sciences |
Programmes offered at the Unit of Continuing Education Programmes(CEP)
These programmes offered in Basic Technician Certificate(NTA level 4), Technician Certificate(NTA level 5) and Ordinary Diploma(NTA level 6). The following are programmes offered;-
Community Development and Social Work
Human Resource Management
Business Administration
Accountancy and Finance
Procurement and Supply Management
Information and Communication Technology
Journalism and Mass Communication
Nursing and Midwifrey
List of Teaching staff and their Qualifications
S/No |
Name of Staff |
Qualifications of Staff |
1 | Mr. Sule, T. Michael |
Msc. Community Economic Development (SNHU), BA (Hons) Land Use Planning (UDSM), Postgraduate Certificate in PerformanceBased Financing (PBF) (UNZA). |
2 | Mr. Mdolloh Wilfred Tamli |
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) (TEKU), Bachelor of Arts n Sociology (UDSM). |
3 | Mr. Gaspar Mahe |
Master of Arts in Sociology (UDOM), Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (UDSM). |
4 | Mr. Sadam Mtima |
Bachelor of Law (Mzumbe), Diploma in Law (IJA), Certificate in Law (IJA). |
5 | Kamili Afred |
Postgraduate Diploma in Accountancy (TIA), Advanced Diploma in Accounting (TIA). |
6 | Mboya, Anna |
Postgraduate Diploma in Accountancy (TIA), Advanced Diploma in Accounting (TIA). |
7 | Aurelia Jeremia |
Master of Arts in Information Studies (UDSM), Bachelor of Arts in Education (TEKU). |
8 | Geofrey Anganile |
Master of Science in Computer Science (UDOM), BSc in Computer Science (UDSM). |
9 | Ms. Maria Kingiliwe |
Certificate, (Tandala Teachers College) diploma in community Development (Rungemba Community Development Institute), Bachelor in Sociology and Social Work (TEKU) |
10 | Riberatus Philipo |
Bachelor of Nursing (UDOM). |
11 | Wilhard Mlelwa |
Bachelor of Nursing (UDOM). |