Dean of Students' Office

Dean of Students
Mobile: +255716574028
About Dean of Students' office
The office of the Dean of Students is in–charge of students’ Affairs. It deals with students’ Social Services and students’ Social welfare in general. It works closely with the Students’ Organization and the University Management. Counselling and Guiding students are other major functions of the office of the Dean of Students. Included in the list of functions of the office of the Dean of students mentioned above are students’ Loan Board, students’ social clubs and games and sports.
To be recognized exemplary students’ advocacy and students’ Leadership development grounded in critical and moral principles.
The Dean of Students’ office is to set standards of Excellency in the delivery of student’s social services and foster welcoming environment that is inclusive, safe and conducive to learning.
To provide counseling and guidance to all students studying at Teofilo Kisanji University and the Community around the University.
To promote sports and games in order to occupy the students fully.
To handle students’ discipline matters, which is a method of training them to have self control and abide by the Students’ By – Laws.
To put efforts to care for the students’ social welfare.
To respond positively to our students’ problems.