Welcome to the Teofilo Kisanji University Students' Organization(TEKUSO)

Email: president@teku.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 763154151

Vice President-TEKUSO
Email: vicepresident@teku.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 758554229

Prime Minister-TEKUSO
Email: primeminister@teku.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 623 064 463
The name of the organization is Teofilo Kisanji University Students’ Organization, in short TEKUSO. Its headquarter is at Teofilo Kisanji University main campus - Mbeya. Teofilo Kisanji Student Organization(TEKUSO) means a formally and legally recognized association of students of Teofilo Kisanji University formed under the TEKUSO Constitution.
TEKUSO is an organization that deals with the affairs of all students at the University. A student is any member of Teofilo Kisanji University with full admission and registration in certificate, diploma,undergraduate or post-graduate programmes. All students admitted at Teofilo Kisanji University to pursue studies for such awards of diploma,degrees and any other awards are eligible to be members of TEKUSO.Thus by registration as a student at this University one automatically becomes member of TEKUSO.
TEKUSO Office and Members
The Students Government Office Bearers have the same connections and are controlled by the President, the Vice President, the Prime Minister, Assistant Prime Minister, the Treasurer and all government ministers as their assistants.
TEKUSO and Students’ Rights
All members of TEKUSO have such rights as follows;-
To participate in all activities pertaining to TEKUSO aims and objectives.
To elect TEKUSO leaders and be elected or nominated to hold any office in TEKUSO.
To receive all publications of TEKUSO as determined by the TEKUSORC.
To submit proposals and options to be discussed at the Student’s general assembly.
Every member has the right of audience and freedom of expression.
The right to assemble.
Welcome to TEKU!!!